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Use cases

Keesense Smart Textile Predictive Solution Reference Design HOTS

Prevention and Risk Reduction

Wearable Smart Textile for Population Health Prevention and Rehabilitation

A man interviewed by his doctor for health checkup

Wearable Monitoring for Health Screening and Assessment

Studies have shown that 72% of large firms offering employee health benefits provide health screenings, such as biometric screenings and health risk assessment, as part of their workplace wellness program. While traditionally this is done in a hospital setting, with organizations globally adopting a hybrid workplace model, employers need a new approach to not only optimize costs but also encourage employee participation and involvement by making the screening process as easy and convenient as possible.


Stress Assessment and Risk Prevention

According to the 12th Annual Employer-Sponsored Health & Well-Being Survey, 92% of respondents expanded their support for well-being programs targeting issues such as stress management and sleep improvement, to address the pandemic’s continued impact on workers, especially in the areas of mental health. Work-related stress not only reduces productivity, but also can cause medical conditions that can put employees’ health at risk. 


Stress can increase inflammation in your body, which in turn is linked to factors that can harm your heart, such as high blood pressure and lower “good” HDL cholesterol, says  Johns Hopkins cardiologist Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H. According to a new study, the combined effect of stress from social interactions and paid work increases women’s likelihood of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) by 21%. While stress may impact men and women differently, findings from a few studies indicate that the link between psychosocial stress and CHD may be stronger in women than in men.

A black man working in construction
A man holding our smart connected t-shirt

Chronolife’s Smart Textile Remote Monitoring Service


Chronolife’s multiparametric monitoring Smart Textile solution tracks a comprehensive set of all major vital signs, via a 100% machine washable connected t-shirt that wears comfortably like everyday undergarments. Instead of traveling to hospitals to conduct multiple health check-ups, employees can have their health conditions continuously screened from the comfort of their home by using the biometric monitoring t-shirt. Based on the information collected, medical professionals can detect anomalies and recommend targeted preventative programs. This also makes it convenient and efficient for evaluating employees’ fitness to work (return to work/stay at work after sick leave) based on multiparametric data collected in real life situations.


For workers in hazardous working environments such as construction and manufacturing, Smart Textile is a powerful tool for employers to remotely monitor workers’ exposure level to health-compromising materials to inform protective measures and recovery mechanisms.