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In the world of insurance, acquiring new customers is expensive and retaining customers is increasingly difficult. The cost of acquiring a new customer is estimated between 700 and 800 euros. Whereas only a few years ago, an insurer could expect to keep a client for about 9 years, now the average is down to 4 years. These challenges are exacerbated by the implementation of the Hamon Law, which allows insured individuals to cancel their contracts at any time after one year. Not to mention that, for loans and mortgages, borrowers no longer have the obligation to take out a policy with the lenders’ arranged insurer… It is under this context that insurers have every interest in differentiating themselves by offering new, useful and innovative services to their insured, in order to increase customer loyalty. Prevention and risk reduction actions – beyond simple health education – thus represent tremendous opportunities for insurers and mutuals, both for individual and group insurances. Explanations:


A few years ago, many insurance companies and mutual insurance companies began to engage in so-called “health education” prevention, i.e. the implementation of prevention programs to encourage their policyholders to adopt new, healthier behaviors. While the intention was good, the impact of these initiatives remained very limited. For the consumers and companies, we need to be able to go further beyond prevention by proactively anticipating risk factors, which can support people in safely returning to work, reduce accidents or to limit re-hospitalization in the event of chronic illnesses.  

One example among others: setting up a remote patient monitoring platform for policyholders suffering from chronic heart failure or respiratory insufficiency. Beyond offering an innovative and useful solution, this kind of risk prevention program has the advantage of recreating a connection with policyholders.

To achieve this, you need to be able to rely on connected healthcare devices that go beyond simple coaching actions. Ordinary connected bracelets and other step counters are not adequate; the selected device must be able to anticipate the deterioration of the state of health like the Chronolife connected t-shirt. Easy-to-use and machine washable like any other t-shirt, this solution offers continuous monitoring of wearers’ real life situations in a comprehensive manner, on 6 different physiological parameters: electrocardiogram, thoracic and abdominal respiration, physical activity, skin temperature and pulmonary impedance.

Offering a solution such as Chronolife is also an opportunity for the insurer to forge deeper connections with  the insured, and bring value to important subjects such as the policyholders’ health conditions, apart from the premium calls and claims management.


On the business side, the insurer can provide tools to monitor people at risk, according to their unique financial and strategic conditions. Thus, offering a platform of prevention services, combined with a remote monitoring solution, will be particularly valuable for vulnerable workers, isolated workers and workers with risk factors. Several possibilities are available to the insurer:

  • Provide remote monitoring to employees with identified cardiovascular or respiratory risk factors, to promote a safe return to work after a sick leave, by equipping them with a connected wearable device.
  • Support employees suffering from chronic illness, beyond the sick leave, to access better monitoring of their state of health and reduce the number of re-hospitalizations.

Offering a device such as Chronolife in your business services offer will help to increase the loyalty of these key accounts. Solutions like this will also help you provide value-add, complementary services that will differentiate your insurance offering beyond price, and help you win calls for tenders.

Increasingly committed to CSR policies, companies are indeed interested in developing effective prevention actions for their employees for specific health conditions and wellness requests. Offering such a service makes it possible to respond to increasingly pressing demand from companies, while standing out from other players. Several pricing models are possible, ranging from more or less shared care between mutual insurance companies and remote monitoring providers, to some levels of investment by the end user / policy holder. Are you interested? Contact us to tell us about your needs and how we can help take your insurance business offering to the next level!

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